Inspired by Seth Godin’s blog post, I wanted to post my own list of “what did you ship in 2010”. Seth is absolutely correct in saying “shipping something that scares you (and a lot of what follows did) is the entire point.”
(If you don’t know what I mean by “shipping” – get Seth’s book Linchpin now; I highly recommend it)
So here goes:
- Launched my blog: achessdad
- Organized the new chess club at our local school with bayareachess.
- Played my first chess tournament (alongside my son), followed by several others during the year. This led to my blog post “put yourself in their shoes” which is about understanding what your kids are going through in a tournament.
And on the non-chess side:
- Left Yahoo! and joined Nor1 (yes, back to the startup world)
- Launched my first iPhone App: Running Late
I didn’t do this all by myself. I could not do this without the tremendous help and support from my family and friends. Thank you all!
What did you ship in 2010? don’t be shy…
Happy new year!